Saturday, October 22, 2011

Silly Poem ~My Husbands Other Love~

She sits at his feet,

She follows him around.

Comes when he calls

And loves to play ball.

She brings him his slippers

He says, “My good dog, Skipper.”

As I suspect, he thinks she is perfect.

She knows he’s the master,

But I say, “What a disaster.”

I will never sit at his feet

Or follow him around.

I don’t come when he calls,

Or even play ball.

As you suspect, I’m not perfect,

 But I don’t care.

I’m sure he knows,

And is aware,

I have another love too.

He is there when I call,

He hates to play ball,

He remembers

Everything I say,

He will never stray.

My faithful love,

I have him hooked,

Yes, his name



So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.

Matthew 19:6

Friends, I know this is a silly poem about a husband and wife, but please remember a marriage relationship is very special. No other relationship, not with parent or child or friend, is to supersede the bond between husband and wife. Marriage is a commitment made to God and your partner. Ask the LORD to help you to always be faithful and in love with your spouse.

©All articles and comments on Dinky’s Hum Drum Journal are the property of Bridget Sherman and are Copyright protected.

1 comment:

Red said...

Our notebook is amazing, always there, and a great listener.