Sunday, October 30, 2011

Silly Poem ~Days~

Some days can be fun
If there’s nothing to be done
Some days can be bad
Especially if I’m mad
Some days can be happy
When I don't feel crappy
Some days can be sad
When things go bad
Some days can be lonely
When it’s just me, the one and only
Some days can be relaxing
When life’s not taxing
Some days can be hard
So send me a get better card
Some days can be exciting
Candle light dinner, how inviting
Some days can be sleepy
If I've been weepy
Some days can be depressing
Honey, time for some caressing
If you want all your days to be full of joy
 Girls and boys,
Serve Jesus, Others, and then You.
And you will have a better view, on 

Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation.
Habakkuk 3:18

Saturday, October 29, 2011

My God

My God, help me to follow Your every step,
 To be ready to hear Your every word,
I know my God,You want to be heard.
 Help me to do everything I’m told,
It’s Your Word I’m taking hold.
 I desire to be wise in You.

My God, I have no clue on what to do.
I can’t do it without You,
So thank you for the Holy Spirit.
As I remember without Him I’m lost
But because of You who died on the cross,
You sent me a helper who reminds me of Your Word.
 He leads and guides me.
I’m concerned righteous tree
Planted by the rivers of water.
  He protects and speaks to my soul
And makes me whole.

My God, who keeps me safe and gives me life.
He is truth and the power,
And my strong tower.
He strengthens and gives gifts
He is the one that lifts
Me up when I’m down
And clothed me with a white gown.
He controls my every step
He comforts and intercedes
My God, because of you, I can see
I need You…… My God!

But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you

Silly Poem ~Complainers~

I can’t wait for this weekend,

It will be so much fun.

I have lots of friends,

Who love me a ton.

I’m such a great person

And they know I’m always right,

So me and my friends, you’ll never see us fight.

I hope we have dinner

And it better be good,

I will let the waiter know

The food was terrible, understood?

I hope we see a good movie,

One that I picked and liked

Or I will definitely go on strike.

We have to have coffee and eat some cake

Or I will let them know they are making a big mistake.

Ring, Ring ,Ring



I guess my weekend will have to wait.


These are grumblers, complainers, walking according to their own lusts.
Jude 1:16

Friday, October 28, 2011

Silly Poem ~Oh Me Oh My~

Oh me oh my

Another day went by

Sitting in this chair, PJs I still wear

Oh me oh my

I guess another day went by

With me in this chair

Out the window I stare

Oh me oh my

I think I’m going to eat piece of pie

Sitting here in this chair

It’s time for me to say goodbye

I need to get a life!

Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.

James 1:27

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Silly Poem ~Ugly Stinky Feet~

My kids think feet are ugly and stink.

I ask, “Why do you think?”

Some people’s feet look like hands,

Especially if you look at Ann’s.

Fingers that call themselves toes,

Some people use them to pick their nose.

Can you imagine eating with those?

Dirty looking feet,

Running around the street,

Trying to be discrete.

Some are hairy

And look kind of scary.

Some are big

And look like a guinea pigs.

Some are small,

Look like they came from a brawl.

Some feet smell, I run and yell,


All I know is my kids think feet are ugly and stink,

I think they are beautiful and unique.

How beautiful upon the mountains Are the feet of him who brings good news, Who proclaims peace, Who brings glad tidings of good [things], Who proclaims salvation, Who says to Zion, "Your God reigns!"

Isaiah 52:7

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Around and Around We Go Again

Outburst of wrath, hate this path

Pointing fingers, anger lingers

Gloom and doom and lots of fume

Frustration, accusation, when does it end?

Yelling, fighting, so much crying

I’m done trying

Around and around we go again

When does it end?

 A gentle answer turns way wrath

But instead we deal with the aftermath

Who will be the peacemaker?

He’s says,” I’m just a big faker”

What a disappointment

Now I hear no hint of love talk

Just the sound of a squawk

Around and around we go again

When does it end?

Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God.

Matthew 5:9

Dance Tonight

He and she danced the night together

Embracing one another

Soft kisses on the cheek

Tender and soft words, they speak

Of love deep down in their hearts

As they know they will be apart

For just awhile, it will seem like a life time

Tonight was beautiful,

Dancing in the arms of my love

He whispers, I love you, my sweet dove

Let’s get married again

I will be back for you, but until then

The sun won’t shine, the moon won’t move

Till we are together again

Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth--For your love is better than wine.

Song of Solomon 1:2

Monday, October 24, 2011

I Found a Snake - by Eyvette Sherman

 My mom had me wash the window on the front door

Then she had me scrub the kitchen floor

During that time of my cleaning

 I heard a snore.

Mom, wake, I found a snake

That got her up and awake.

Written by my 9 year old daughter, Eyvette Sherman. 

Let Go for a Time

You say you will be gone

Just for a time

You will hurry back

And won’t be long

I understand the reason

You need to leave

But please promise

You would be thinking of me

I love you my dear

And I need you here

My broken heart

Can’t stand being apart

We have gone through so much


I need to know I will feel your touch


I will let you go

For just a time

But promise me

Everything will be fine

I love you, Sweetheart

I need you so

Know that I will be  thinking of you

And can’t wait to give you a kiss and say hello

This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman,

 Because she was taken out of Man.

 Genesis 2:23

I love you honey. I will be praying that God will comfort your heart during this time with your father.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

It's Time to Pray

What a bright and sunny day,

To have a picnic at the park.

Smiling, watching kids at play,

It’s time to pray.

Throughout the rest of the day,

Busy doing many things.

I want to be free and break away,

It’s time to pray.

What a crazy night,

Sounds of thunder and lightening.

How scary and frightening,

It’s time to pray.

What a busy life,

So many worries and cares.

It’s time to give God all my prayers,

It’s time to pray

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Fishing Anyone

Time to go fishing

Bring your pole and your bait

But don’t ask me to come, because that’s something I hate.

Sitting and waiting for a nibble or two

Hoping to catch a big fish,

But instead caught a shoe.

So boring to sit with nothing to do,

Dreaming I was in Katmandu.

I don’t understand the fishing game

It’s about the hunt, they claim.

I say, "Let’s go fishing for men instead

All we need is some manna bread."

This bread I mean came from heaven,

This bread is called the Word,

 Please, let me share what I have heard.

The Word became flesh

 And walked among us.

Listen to me

He’s name is Jesus.

He’s full of grace and truth,

Full of mercy and love.

He came from above

To save us.

Believe in Him

He will change your life.

Just ask Him in

And eat from the bread of life.

"For the bread of God is He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world."Then they said to Him, "Lord, give us this bread always." And Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.

John 6:33-35

Silly Poem ~Mr. Elf~

 Mr. Elf, you’re not fair

Every time I get to the light

You seem to turn it red and bright.

I sit forever waiting in my car,

Mr. Elf, I have places to go that are really far.

Please turn the light green,

And stop being mean.

Do you run from red light,

  To green light,

To yellow?

Or just sit at the red light

And laugh at me, fellow.

Do you have a family of three,

Papa Elf,

Mamma Elf,


Baby Elf

Watching me

Sitting all by myself?

I have no time for this,

Off I go,

Blow you a kiss.

Good bye!

Now I hear sirens,

I have to stop

And explain about Mr. Elf

To the cop.

Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.

Romans 13:1

Dedicated to my daughter Jade, who thought elves lived in the signal lights.

Silly Poem ~My Husbands Other Love~

She sits at his feet,

She follows him around.

Comes when he calls

And loves to play ball.

She brings him his slippers

He says, “My good dog, Skipper.”

As I suspect, he thinks she is perfect.

She knows he’s the master,

But I say, “What a disaster.”

I will never sit at his feet

Or follow him around.

I don’t come when he calls,

Or even play ball.

As you suspect, I’m not perfect,

 But I don’t care.

I’m sure he knows,

And is aware,

I have another love too.

He is there when I call,

He hates to play ball,

He remembers

Everything I say,

He will never stray.

My faithful love,

I have him hooked,

Yes, his name



So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.

Matthew 19:6

Friends, I know this is a silly poem about a husband and wife, but please remember a marriage relationship is very special. No other relationship, not with parent or child or friend, is to supersede the bond between husband and wife. Marriage is a commitment made to God and your partner. Ask the LORD to help you to always be faithful and in love with your spouse.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Silly Poem ~Turtle~

It’s time for me to get a shotgun,

My little turtle has just begun.

He's growing in to

 A godly little man,

But not ready

To take anybody’s hand.

I see girls sniffing around,

I shoo them away

And send them down town.

Don’t mess with my son

Any time soon,


 There will be

A show down at noon.

My son asks,

“When can I have a girlfriend?”

 I say, “Son, I recommend

When you’re ready to be married.”

“Mom,” he says,

“That can be a real long time.”

I say, “Good …that’s fine.”

So girls, just to let you know,

This mom has a shotgun,

And know this,

Turtle, he’s MY son.

What, my son? And what, son of my womb? And what, son of my vows? Do not give your strength to women, Nor your ways to that which destroys kings.

Proverbs 31:2-3

I love you, my Turtle

Pray Tonight

I pray tonight for all men

Pleading for their soul

Asking, LORD,

Please make them whole.

LORD, provide for all their needs

Help those plant seeds.

And, LORD,

Let them succeed.

I pray for all men

You take away their sin


Fill them with love deep within.

LORD, I come to You

Raising up my holy hands

Giving thanks, LORD

Because You understand.

LORD, I come humbly

And bow down

LORD, to

 Give You my crown.

I pray for all men

And say

Thank You, Father

In the name of Jesus.


Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men.

1Timothy 2:1

For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior.

1Timothy 2:3

Reflection of You

Father, I so want to shine Your light,

Your light that everyone can see through me.

I stare at the moon and I thought,

What an awesome reflection of the sun,

What a great work You have done.

Father, thank You for sending Your Son.

I desire to be a reflection of Him.

As I spend time in Your Word,

I’m blessed to have heard

How holy and righteous I am.

Father, I pray, You transform me

To the image by Your Spirit

Within me.

Do whatever You need to do

So I can be like You.

Father, Your Son delighted to do Your will,

He demonstrated how I am to live and serve.

You are the only one that deserves

All the glory and honor.

I give thanks to You my, Father!

But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.

2 Corinthians 3:18